I don't know if all of you have heard, but Nate Jordan has been fighting an aggressive form of
leukemia. I believe all of you know Nate, or his wife
Kami (
Fabrizius) Jordan. They both attended
Riverton High as well as all of their brothers and sisters. Some of you might also know them from church.
Anyway, to help out with the piles of bills they are now facing, a few of us on
FB have been thinking about an online auction of sorts. We would put together an album of services, handmade items, gift cards, or donated items that would be open to everyone to view. People could then bid on these items for, say, a week and at the end of the week, the highest bidder wins the item and pays to a
Palpal account set up for the
This is how you all come into the picture. We were looking for items that we might be able to put in the album. Anything that you think people would bid on would work. In the past I've seen handmade items (crafts), gift cards, photography sessions, beauty sessions, cooked goods, quilts, jewelry, and much much more. You could even send out this e-mail to others you think I've missed so they could have a chance to help.
If you aren't able to donate an item for the auction, but would like to help anyway, when the time comes, maybe you could help by advertising the auction to as many people as you can think of. We're going to use
Facebook, e-mail, blogs, twitter, and anything else we can.
I appreciate you all taking the time to read this e-mail. If you would like to participate, you can e-mail me a picture of the item you wish to donate and a short description that will be included in the caption. Please help us ease the financial burden the
Jordans are now facing...
Thanks again,
My e-mail is eferris@hotmail.com.